A Celebration of Life & Commitment to Service

"Let the little children
come to me,
and do not hinder them,for the
belongs to such as these."
- Mark 10:14 (NIV)
What a glorious day of celebration it was at Leadenhall Baptist Church. On June 25, 2023, we welcomed precious bundles of joy into our loving community! Hearts swelled with happiness as families gathered to dedicate their precious little ones to the Lord. Laughter echoed through the halls, and the atmosphere was filled with love, hope, and the promise of beautiful futures. Our church family rejoices in being a part of these special moments, embracing each family with open arms. Together, we embark on a journey of faith, nurturing these precious lives in the light of God's grace. Let us continue to pray and support these families, as we cherish this vibrant tapestry of love and unity within our Leadenhall family.
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Leadenhall is truly blessed to have members of all ages celebrate the brave women who have fought the good fight and came out on top!

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